Share OER

Getting Started

To get started sharing your OER, simply make your content available on a public website, choose the appropriate Creative Commons license,  and include the license information in the page or the footer of your site. You will want to choose a non-restrictive license for sharing but, it can include a requirement for attribution (see Creative Commons section below).

Then, share your site with an OER repository like Merlot or OER Commons so others can find your work. When you share your expertise, education becomes more equitable for all.

Creative Commons

The following videos explain both why you might want to share your work and specifics of how to go about it using Creative Commons Licensing.

More scenarios and another overview:

Getting Help

UAF eCampus has an extensive online open resource for faculty called iTeachU.  There, you will find fundamentals on copyright and fair use, finding open source media, Creative Commons, and tons more. You will also find information about how to put open education practice into the design of your course. UAF eCampus also offers many faculty development opportunities throughout the year. Feel free to contact us with questions about open education and/or join us in one of our Open Lab sessions.